TB Innovator Pathway

Stage 3: Plan for Introduction


NOTE: Overlap between the stages is intentional and representative of iteration that occurs during the development process.




Stage 1: Identify Needs and Design

Stage 2: Begin R&D

Stage 3: Plan for Introduction

Stage 4: Introduce & Scale


Stage Overview
In this stage, early assumptions are updated and focus turns to launch preparations. Planning all aspects of introduction, including communications, training, pricing, development, logistics, and more, will ensure roll out and scale are as efficient and effective as possible. Stakeholder engagement is also critical in this stage.
Stage Elements
  • Develop strategic launch plan with uptake targets
  • Develop pricing strategy
  • Develop demand generation strategies and create communications materials
  • Establish manufacturing and distribution strategies
  • Identify, engage, and train partners
  • Finalize technology design
  • Update analysis of development costs
  • Update business plan and demand forecast
  • Execute plan for communications, training, advocacy, and key opinion leader engagement
  • Obtain regulatory approvals, if required
Questions to Answer
  • How do learnings align with existing evidence?
  • What changes need to be incorporated based on feedback?
  • To whom do we need to communicate? What do we want them to think, feel, and do? How / where can we reach them?
  • How will we develop, distribute, and price our technology?
  • How might partners validate / communicate in support of our solution?

Additional element descriptions can be found here.